Aomori Medical Group
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Super Flexi Joint 300s

Item Code: B1005-AM
Super Flexi Joint 300s

Super Flexi Joint 300s

Size: 300 Tablet


A joint or articulation is the location at which bones connect such as knee, elbow, ankle and backbone. They are constructed to allow movement and provide mechanical support, and are classified structurally and functionally. Cartilaginous joints are made of a band of cartilage that binds bones together. Some examples of cartilaginous joints include joints between the ribs and costal cartilage, and the intervertebral disks of the spine. The bones have a synovial cavity and are united by the dense irregular connective tissue that forms the articular capsule that is normally associated with accessory ligaments. Healthy cartilage allows bones can slide each other, but also can reduce the impact force of the movement.

Most people believe that aging is the main reason of arthritis. However, there are many potential causes for arthritis. For example: injury - leading to degenerative arthritis. Some people may be more susceptible to certain arthritic conditions due to their genetic makeup. Additional factors, such as previous injury, infection, smoking and physically demanding occupations, can interact with a person's genes to further increase the risk of arthritis.

There are some researches indicate that, “Everyone have the opportunity to be plagued by arthritis, the most common joint disease is osteoarthritis.” Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease, the patient will gradually lost joint function, and its early symptoms of rupture or degeneration of articular cartilages causes the bones to rub against each other, bringing a series of bone problems such as bone spurs, joint deformity, joint stiffness, knee pain when up and down stairs, reduced mobility etc. Some forms of arthritis may violate other body organs and induce serious complications. 

Nowadays some medical reports have found that taking glucosamine and chondroitin together can relieve arthritis and proceed to remission. The American joint specialist Dr Jason Theodosakis found that glucosamine and chondroitin can improve inflamed joints and repair cartilage wearing. Clinical trials also found that taking glucosamine everyday can effectively reduce joint degeneration which not just alleviate the symptoms of knee degeneration, but also restore mechanical structure of cartilage, bone and joint. 

  This product contains glucosamine and chondroitin which aims to improve the function of various joints of our body, relive symptoms of arthritis and restore our quality of life. Glucosamine, as a major component of cartilage, tendon, ligament repair, articular cartilage can supply nutrients, can promote cartilage formation and repair, and helped to consolidate the joint health and relieve joint pain and improve joint flexibility. The additional benefit of chondroitin can strengthen cartilage and relieve knee and back pain due to cartilage erosion arising. The additional calcium and vitamin D in this product helps strengthening bone density hence to reduce osteoporosis and bone fracture around the joint. 

Arthritis have complex implications on our social life, such as reducing our activities, quality of sleep, ability to work, willingness to travel around and meeting your friends and ruin your happy time to play with your grandchildren. Act now and take this product to restore your joint back to the previous symptoms-free young ages!


Each tablet contains Glucosamine Sulphate 1500mg, Chondroitin Sulphate 500mg, Calcium 200mg (from Calcium Citrate) and Vitamin D 200IU.
